Dr.Eng. Isty Adhitya Purwasena
Head of Study Program
MPB Video Profile

2021-2026 National Accreditation
The 21st century is declared as the century of Biology, where the science of Biology is developing very rapidly and offers many promises to change the way of human life. Fundamentally, human resources engaged in biological research at SITH ITB are very diverse. In addition to considerations of excellence and competence of the resources owned, the establishment of the Master of Biology Study Program basically also aims to answer the needs of the community for biologists who are able to solve problems in society by prioritizing the theory and application of biological technology. In its development, this study program is considered necessary to develop itself as a Master of Biology Program with two specialization pathways, namely the Molecular, Cell, and Organismal Biology Track and Environmental Biology Track. The Molecular, Cell, and Organismal Biology track is designed to produce multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary research that can integrate basic or applied research in the field of molecular, cell, and organismal biology using prokaryotes or eukaryotes as subjects. The Environmental Biology track is expected to create multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary research that can integrate fundamental or practical research in the field of Environmental Biology using ecosystems as subjects.
The Master’s Program in Biology aspires to remain committed to implementing superior postgraduate education standards in the future. It is hoped that graduates of the MPB will have a high level of competence in the field of modern biology and be able to offer solutions to various challenges in the fields of education, community advocacy, becoming a bureaucrat, conducting research in government or industrial institutions, or working in the pharmaceutical industry. These industries are thought to be particularly promising and are essential for enhancing the nation's competitiveness.
Head of Study Program