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Master by Research

Program Overview

ITB organizes a Master by Research (MBR) program with the goal of allowing young researchers/engineers in research institutions to continue their education while also increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of link and match research and partnerships between ITB, industry, and/or government in integrated research development, without changing Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs).

Comparison Regular MBR
Structured courses 26 CU 17 CU
Independent study courses (including but not limited to research) 10 CU 19 CU
  1. Structured lectures are delivered face-to-face or via other means in accordance with applicable regulations.
  2. Independent lectures can be given away from the ITB campus, and students who are already employed can remain at their home institutions.
  3. Under the supervision of an ITB lecturer designated by the school/study program, research can be conducted either on the ITB campus or off-campus, for example in student work institutions (if applicable).

Students in the MBR program can be declared to have completed the master's program at ITB if they have:

  1. Completed the graduation requirements outlined in the program's curriculum, including the required number of credits and GPA.
  2. Had a scientific paper that has been, at minimum, "accepted" for publication in an international peer-reviewed journal.
  3. Had a scientific work in the form of a thesis and be declared passed at the thesis defense, which can only take place if points 1 and 2 are met.