Ganesha Talent Assistantship (GTA) is a scholarship program that provides ITB postgraduate students with partial or full tuition fee waiver assistance. This scholarship requires recipients to participate as assistants in various ITB activities. This scholarship is available to both Indonesian and international students.
In the implementation of the Ganesha Talent Assistantship, several types of scholarships are available, including:
Except for the SBM-ITB MBA Study Program, undergraduate students who graduated from ITB within the last three years and will continue their master's program at ITB will receive a 50% BPP exemption.
Beasiswa ini juga dapat diberikan kepada mahasiswa Program Magister ITB dengan indeks prestasi (IP) minimal 3,25 dan Program Doktor ITB yang akan memasuki Tahap 3.
100% BPP exemption is granted to students who participate in the ITB Fast-Track Program of Undergraduate and Masters Programs with study program linearity (except multidisciplinary programs) and continuous research with a GPA of 3.25.
GTA-RG (GTA Research Group):
Students who want to continue their doctoral program with a recommendation from the Expertise Group/Research Group (KK) will receive a 100% BPP exemption.
GT-IF (GT International Fellowship):
Awarded to foreign students under the age of 30 who have completed a master's program within the last three years.
More information on the Ganesha Talent Assistantship (GTA) program is available on the ITB Graduate School website or at