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BI6118 Neurosains Lanjut

Kode Mata Kuliah BI6118 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara 206 – Biologi / SITH
Indonesia Inggris
Nama Mata Kuliah Neurosains Lanjut Advanced Neuroscience
Silabus Ringkas Matakuliah ini didisain untuk mendiskusikan systems neuroscience dan diperuntukan bagi mahasiswa pasca sarjana dengan latar belakang biologi dan biologi sel. Oleh sebab itu, matakuliah ini menyediakan pemahaman molekuler, perkembangan, dan jejaring tentang mekanisme dan fungsi sistem syaraf bagi mahasiswa. Penekanan diletakkan pada komponen molekuler dan seluler dari neuron pada level dasar, dan juga sistem spesifik yang unik. This course is designed to discuss systems neuroscience. This course is designed for graduate students with a thorough background in biology and cell biology. Therefore, this course provides students with a greater understanding of molecular, developmental, and network mechanisms of neuronal function. Emphasis will be placed on molecular and cellular components of neurons at their most basic level as well in unique specific systems.
Silabus Lengkap Matakuliah ini didisain untuk mendiskusikan systems neuroscience dan diperuntukan bagi mahasiswa pasca sarjana dengan latar belakang biologi dan biologi sel. Oleh sebab itu, matakuliah ini menyediakan pemahaman molekuler, perkembangan, dan jejaring tentang mekanisme dan fungsi sistem syaraf bagi mahasiswa. Penekanan diletakkan pada komponen molekuler dan seluler dari neuron pada level dasar, dan juga sistem spesifik yang unik terkait Potensial aksi dan neurotransmitter; Transmisi Sinapsis; Long-term potentiation dan Long-term depression; Memory; Sistem sensori 1; Sistem sensori 2; Brain and Behaviour; Cognitif development and aging; Neuroendocrine; Brain rhythms and Sleep; Sex and Brain; Mental Illness This course is designed to discuss systems neuroscience. This course is designed for graduate students with a thorough background in biology and cell biology. Therefore, this course provides students with a greater understanding of molecular, developmental, and network mechanisms of neuronal function. Emphasis will be placed on molecular and cellular components of neurons at their most basic level as well in unique specific systems particularly, Potensial aksi dan neurotransmitter; Transmisi Sinapsis; Long-term potentiation dan Long-term depression; Memory; Sistem sensori 1; Sistem sensori 2; Brain and Behaviour; Cognitif development and aging; Neuroendocrine; Brain rhythms and Sleep; Sex and Brain; Mental Illness.
Luaran (Outcomes)
  1. Students are expected to develop an appreciation for modern hypotheses of brain function and of the problems that contemporary systems neuroscience seeks to address.
  2. Students are expected to gain an in-depth understand of basic principles and concepts of neurons at the molecular levels, to learn to reason scientifically, and to understand and describe the cooperative function of organelles in the specialized cells.
Mata Kuliah Terkait
Kegiatan Penunjang
  1. Mark F. Bear, Barry W. Connors, Michael A. Paradiso, Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain-LWW, , , 2015
  2. Larry R Squire, Fundamental neuroscience, , Academic Press, 2012
Panduan Penilaian UTS: 30% UAS:30% PR:10% Presentasi:30%
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