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BI5111 Biologi Sistem

Silabus Mata Kuliah BI5111 – 2019

Kode Mata Kuliah BI5111 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara 206 – Biologi / SITH
Indonesia Inggris
Nama Mata Kuliah Biologi Sistem Systems Biology
Silabus Ringkas Mata kuliah ini memberikan dasar konsep genom, transcriptom, proteom,  metabolom  dan interactom serta aplikasinya dengan menggunakan tool modelling dan bioinformatik. This course emphasizes the study of genome, transcriptome, proteome,  metabolome  and  interactome, concept and its application using the tool of modelling and bioinformatic
Silabus Lengkap Biologi sistem adalah bidang baru yang mengeksplorasi genom dan post genomic dengan data genom set/database yang banyak berikut interpretasinya. Biologi sistem digunakanuntukmemahami secarakomprehensif proses perkembangan, fisiologi, metabolisme dan network regulasi gen, dengan melihat semua gen, protein dan metabolitnya dalam organisme secara bersamaan, dibandingkan dengan hanya berfokus pada hanya satu atau dua proses. Selanjutnya untuk mempelajari bagaimana seluruhnya berinteraksi untuk menciptakan karakter dari kehidupan, maka diperlukan kemampuan modeling dan bionformatik Systems biology is a new field which explores the world of genomes and post-genomic , which produce large data sets/databases.The goal of systems biology is to comprehensively understand development, physiology, metabolic andgene regulatory networks, by looking at all genes, proteins and metabolites in an organism simultaneously, rather than focusing on just one or two. Furthermore ,to learn how all these pieces interact to create the emergent properties of life, it needs the tool of modeling and bionformatic.
Luaran (Outcomes)
  1. Describe the generic features of biological systems
  2. Explain the goals of systems biology
  3. Identify the complementary roles of reductionism and systems biology
  4. List those challenges of systems biology that cannot be solved with intuition alone
  5. Able to find recent related literature, particularly in English
  6. Able to communicate scientifically, both written and verbal
  7. Able to integrate information in all level : genome, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome and interactome
  8. Able to relate signal to predict related response using modeling and bioinformatics
Mata Kuliah Terkait
Kegiatan Penunjang
  1. Marian Walhout, Marc Vidal, Job Dekker, Handbook of Systems Biology: Concepts and Insights, , Academic Press, 2013
  2. Voit E.O., A first course in systems biology, , Garland Science, Taylor & Francis, 2013
  3. Voit E.O., A first course in systems biology, 2, Garland Science, Taylor & Francis, 2018
Panduan Penilaian 3 dosen(ujian ,tugas, kuis, presentasi )/3
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